Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Friday April 22, 2022
Engage with thought leaders who will discuss important aspects of innovation during two cross-disciplinary sessions bringing expertise from science, technology, art, design and social impact. At the intersections of key disciplines, they will bring light to fresh questions, issues, and opportunities in international innovation ecosystems.
Session 1
Speaker Series: Innovation & DEI
Canada and Switzerland based innovators will present their marquee projects spanning physics, science communication, and arts & culture, and highlight factors of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) in their work. This will set the stage for them to come together as a panel to discuss each other's work in Session 2.

Ania Kwiatkowski
Research Scientist
Ania leads TRIUMF's DEI Committee and TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science (TITAN), one of the world’s fastest and most precise tools for measuring the mass of a single atom and the only facility able to do so with highly charged, rare isotopes.
Michael Doser
Senior Research Physicist
Michael has been a member of CERN's Cultural Advisory Board, of TEDxCERN, and of Sparks! Advisory Board. He works on the AEgIS collaboration to measure the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter.

Clara Nellist
Particle Physicist & Science Communicator
Clara is part of the The Inclusion Group for Equity in Research in STEMM, and works on analyzing the heaviest known particle, and dark matter using machine learning algorithms.
Session 2
Panel Discussion: Innovation, Equity, Justice
Describing the intersection of technology and social justice, the speakers will hold a panel discussion to address topics such as: ensuring physics has DEI built into its culture, how DEI optimizes innovation, STEM talent pipelines, and how the outcomes of science and technology research might benefit or reach diverse communities. They will also question how innovators think about other knowledges such as Indigenous and ancestral knowledges, and Indigenous vs. Western AI.